What is Goldencoin?

This is not just a "meme" coin this is serious. Goldencoin (GLDN) is designed for the sports industry as a betting and tipping currency. The sports industry thrives on information about events on and off the field. Why not make a coin to support the time and effort put into presenting valuable information about sports. If your a commentary, analyst, fan, or gambler. This is the coin you should use to start your experience in cryptocurrency. The coin is considered to be "cyber gold" that can be mined and staked in cyberspace. Goldencoin (GLDN) is a fun coin that is capable of over 10 TPS on its blockchain. Named after the popular Golden Retriever dog and as a competitor against Dogecoin. Goldencoin has a max supply of just over 108 Million coins with a 4 Million coin pre-mine.

GOLDENCOIN (GLDN) (Dogecoin Challenger) (Geysercoin fork)


Max Supply: 108 Million (estimated)
Block Reward: 69.33
Block Size: 32 MB
Ports: Main - 2881 Test - 22881
Algorithm: scrypt
Block Kill Switch: Every 10080 Blocks the chain switches from PoS to PoW and back till Max. That's around every two weeks.

4,000,000 coins Premined - 3,000,000 For SWAP with the old Goldencoin Classic, 300,000 for creator and 700,000 to give away.




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Made to compete with Dogecoin after the famous Golden Retriever dog.


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